the Luxury Experience



GÜDERICH began as set of affirmations founder Jonathan Richardson wrote to himself while dealing with dark days during his early 20 (somethings).

Already having a background in beauty + fashion he understood how powerful the right routine could be to transform the skin, body, and confidence. Jon decided that the best way to get out a small but powerful message, that reassured him in moments of darkness was to create (and share) as many good (or GÜDE) moments as possible. From there - Güderich Skincare, Fragrance, and Gear were born.

After traveling for months sampling organic ingredients and premium fabrics Jon, developed the beauty, fragrance, and fashion experience known today as GÜDERICH. Most of the Gear line ( made up of apparel, accessories, and home accents) features Jon's mantra: "I am a luxury experience". We use güde words in our gear as a reminder that you are capable and worthy of creating the life you want.


Who The F#$K Is CheckOutJon?


Jon is an American Director, Designer, and Entertainer.

He is known for his role as the SkinCareBro on Tik Tok where he speaks on Selfcare, Grooming, Manifestation, and Travel. Jon is the founder of GÜDERICH the luxury experience. The root of Jon’s purpose is to spread love, boost confidence and normalize the gender-neutral experience. And he intends to use every medium he possibly can to convey that message and feeling. 

Learn more about Jon here.




For Ü moments by güderich

“I Am A Luxury Experience”