Jon has amassed over
200K+ Followers on Tik Tok
and 50M+ weekly Video Views
Want to partner with Jon?
See below for partnership information on Skincare, Travel, Fashion, Grooming, and more.
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Around the world with JON
A long time ago it was decided by Jon himself, “If I’m up to something crazy everyone’s gonna be tuned anyway” That was the day CHECKOUTJON was born. From that day until now Jon has shared every adventure he’s taken in life. All 192K followers have been along the journeys of entering a throuple in the middle of the ocean, dirt bike accidents, travels around the world and so much more.
At 27, Jon has lived in Germany, Spain, and America, navigating through different cultures and languages. He learned German in elementary school in an immersion program and Spanish in middle and high school. Jon’s journey has taken him to places he never expected, from seeing the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to meeting his husband’s family in Spain for the first time, embracing new foods, cultures, adventures, and lifestyle changes is what he’s all about.
Get in let’s go on our next adventure together. (learn more about traveling with Jon here.)
Beauty + Grooming
Minus the gender rules……
Jon also known as CheckOutJon, is a beauty and grooming content creator, speaker, and passionate consultant known for normalizing gender-neutral skincare. With a background in Advertising from Texas Tech, Jon built a successful creative studio with offices in Austin, Madrid, and Los Angeles before bringing his education and expertise to the masses via social media.