Check out Growing Up in Germany

Growing Up in Germany: An Army Brat's Perspective

Jon, can you tell us a bit about your early life and where you were born?

Jon: Sure! I was born in the Mojave desert on a military base. Even though I say I'm from Los Angeles, my early years were quite adventurous from the start. My parents decided to move us across the world when I was 5 to Heidelberg, Germany, as my dad was stationed there. So, I guess you could say I’m an army brat.

Interviewer: That sounds like quite a move at such a young age. How was your life in Germany?

Jon: I spent the next ten years in Germany. I lived an untraditional American/German life as we lived in a German neighborhood off base. Most Americans live on base in their mini America habitats, but living off base in St Leon gave me a unique perspective.

Interviewer: Living off base must have been a different experience. Did you go to a German school?

Jon: Yes, living off base combined with my parents signing me up for a German Immersion class for both first and second grade really helped me learn German. In the immersion class, Frau Braun, still my favorite teacher to this day, taught us half of the day in English and the other half in German.

Interviewer: Do you remember the first full sentence you learned in German?

Jon: Oh, absolutely! It was "Kann ich auf die Toilette gehen, bitte?" which translates to "Can I go to the bathroom, please?" I learned this after an embarrassing moment of pissing my pants because I couldn’t remember the phrase. My teacher felt horrible and asked why I didn’t ask in English. I turned to her and said the card was in German… I guess I’ve always been committed to the bit.

Interviewer: That’s a funny yet memorable way to learn a new language! How did you integrate with the local kids?

Jon: I strengthened my German by playing tag, basketball, and finding my way with other German kids. Honestly, I felt German. But on the other hand, my parents also sent us back to Los Angeles during some summers to connect with our family and grandparents, so I have always been a traveler.

Interviewer: Fast forward a bit, you married into a Spanish family. How did that come about?

Jon: I met my Spanish husband Iván in college. He came to America for track and field and is a professional javelin thrower. When I went to Spain to meet Iván’s family in 2017, I learned that the Spanish I learned in high school was not the same Spanish I needed to know to survive in Spain. It was an experience that pushed and continues to push me into the language.

Interviewer: How did you adapt to the Mediterranean lifestyle?

Jon: Learning which cousin is which, as Iván comes from a large family, was a challenge. But I have adapted the Mediterranean lifestyle into my life by having four meals a day and a nap. Being a creative director and CEO allows me to do so. After traveling back to Europe, this adaptation has transformed my life into what feels more abundant.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about your relationship with Iván and how you two manage work and travel?

Jon: Iván and I met in 2016 and married in 2020. 2017 was the first time I met Iván’s parents, sister, and brother-in-law. We regularly travel together, as Iván and I work together at our creative agency, BRAVO AGENCY. This is a virtual creative studio where we work across Los Angeles, Madrid, and Austin, Texas. Outside of work, we travel together for leisure, fun, and to create content. Iván is a photographer, and since we met, we’ve helped each other. We are the dynamic duo. (Read more at

Interviewer: How did your time at Texas Tech University influence your career path?

Jon: Going to school in Lubbock, Texas, at Texas Tech, I studied fashion design, marketing, advertising, and really honed in on all the things I love. Texas Tech is where Iván and I met and began shooting photography together. Since Texas Tech, I’ve been acting, modeling, directing, and running the show on my own with business collaborations and more.

Interviewer: That’s an incredible journey, Jon. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Jon: My pleasure!

Jonathan Richardson

Co-founder + Creative Director at BRAVO Agency | CEO + Product Designer at GÜDERICH. A man of many hats to say the least. I’ve found success In digital storytelling, turning influencers into brands and businesses into empires consider me the conduit between product and consumer.

Adapting to the Mediterranean Lifestyle: Marrying into a Spanish Family